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Call for Proposals for the

AAALGrads Newsletter Spring 2021 Issue

We are excited to announce the call for our Spring 2021 issue, which will be centered on the theme of "Ambiguity, Uncertainty, and Resilience: New Paths for Applied Linguistics and Higher Education." Submitting a piece to the AAALGrads Newsletter is a fantastic, low-stakes opportunity to gain publishing experience. This issue in particular will give members of our field a chance to articulate a constructive, post-2020 outlook into the future of our profession. You can view the full call below. For your convenience, we have also embedded the Google Form we will be using to collect proposals at the bottom of the page. It is also linked in the call. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the newsletter co-editors Mariana Becker, Zhenjie Weng, and Stefan Vogel at

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