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Call​ ​for​ ​Proposals ​for​ the ​AAAL​Grads​ ​Newsletter (Fall 2019): “Diverse Perspectives"

Writer's picture: ALAL

Updated: Aug 7, 2019

We are in need of writers for the Fall 2019 edition of the AAALGrads Newsletter. Please

consider submitting a proposal! If selected, you will be asked to write a featured article, a resource review, or a creative piece that addresses graduate student interests and issues related to the topic of diversity to be published in late October

The field of applied linguistics represents a diverse study of language composed of a diverse group of perspectives who each present a new perspective to this field. A glimpse of the upcoming plenary sessions for the 2020 AAAL conference in Denver encapsulates many of these perspectives, from indigenous language revitalization, to the potential of decolonizing our work, to the language and literacy experiences Latinx children. For this upcoming edition of AAALGrads, we ask, where is your perspective in our field? How can we create spaces for new perspectives in our research and teaching practices?

By inviting graduate students to write about this topic, we hope to welcome multiple perspectives and promote inclusionary practices. To this aim, we extend our call to include featured articles, resource reviews (e.g., books and technological tools), and creative pieces (e.g., poetry, art, and video). Whether you choose to write an article, review, or creative piece, we ask that all submissions relate to the topic of diverse perspectives. Proposals will be selected based on the suitability and applicability to this topic.

You may submit a proposal (approximately 300 words) for the following sections:

Featured Article

A featured article should be about 800-1500 words. It should address one or more of the following questions:

● What do diverse perspectives mean to you?

● Where is your perspective in our field?

● How can we create spaces for new perspectives in our research and teaching practices?

● Why are the perspectives present in our research and teaching an important topic for graduate students to discuss? How might we begin and sustain this conversation?

Resource Review

A resource review should be about 500-800 words. It should critique material (e.g., books, textbooks, and technological tools) that might be helpful to graduate students. You are expected to have read and/or used the reviewed material before you write your review. For your proposal, please include a brief summary of the resource and your opinion of its helpfulness for graduate students. Both positive and negative reviews are welcome! (Humor is appreciated!)

Creative Corner

The Creative Corner is an experimental section designed to feature the creativity and diverse experiences of graduate students in our field. In addition to short essays, submissions in this section may include poetry, art, and/or a high quality video related to graduate student life. Creativity and freedom of expression are encouraged, but please remember you will have to submit electronically. Personal experiences related to diversity are encouraged!

Guidelines for Proposals

The proposal should

● be approximately 300 words;

● provide your name; department and institution; degree and area of study;

● identify the section of interest (e.g., featured article, resource review, or creative corner);

● for featured articles only: be related to the topic of diversity;

● include a brief overview of what you plan to submit;

● express your ability to commit to the timeline (provided below) in a short statement.

Proposals​ ​should​ ​be​ ​submitted​ ​in​ ​a Word​ ​document​ ​and​ ​emailed​ ​to​ ​​ ​with​ ​the​ ​subject​ ​heading​ ​“GSC Fall ​2019 Newsletter” on or before Friday, August 30, 2019, 11:59 PM EDT.

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