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Proposed Bylaws Changes

Updated: Apr 24, 2019

Your vote is being sought on two key initiatives, explained below. In order to achieve a quorum, we need 176 members (10% of the membership) to cast their votes by May 1, 2019. The proposed Bylaws changes and dues changes both require approval by two-thirds of the members voting in order to pass. Please click here to cast your vote on both proposals. Proposed Bylaws Changes The Executive Committee is recommending changes to the Bylaws this year for vote by the membership. Per the Bylaws, amendments may be proposed by the Executive Committee. Proposed amendments will be debated and may be revised during a general business meeting. Amendments will subsequently be submitted for approval by ballot without meeting and require approval by two-thirds of those voting. Proposed changes will be distributed for vote following the conference. A link to the current Bylaws can be found here. A link to the proposed Bylaws with changes tracked can be found here.

Proposed Changes to the Membership Dues Structure In October of 2018, after a multi-year evaluation process which began with a task force evaluating how AAAL can support financially disadvantaged participants that heavily relied on the results of the 2018 member survey, the Executive Committee voted to implement a more graduated, nuanced structure for both member dues and conference registration. This structure provides more affordable engagement options for membership segments such as graduate students or post docs, emeritus, part-time/adjunct, unemployed, employees of non-profit organizations, K-12 educators, or residents of low income countries as defined by the UN. The structure was rolled out for the 2019 conference registration and response has been overwhelmingly positive, so we now seek your comments on the proposed member structure and dues changes. 

Below you will find the proposed new structure and dues (click on image to download an excel of the proposed dues). Please note that based on member feedback via the survey, the Executive Committee has made the following changes since the chart was originally distributed: Changed “Emeritus" to "Emeritus/Retired”Changed “Graduate Student” to “Student”Changed the reference point for “Resident of Low Income Country” from the UN to the World Bank

As you can see, this proposal decreases dues quite substantially for part-time or adjunct faculty, non-profit organization employees, K-12 educators, residents of low income countries as defined by the UN, and unemployed members. It moderately decreases dues for non-tenure line faculty, individuals who already hold membership with another AILA member and whose primary membership/residence is in an AILA member nation (e.g. BAAL), graduate students, and postdocs. Members who wish to renew at their current dues rate are welcome to renew for up to three years. This renewal must be completed prior to July 1, 2019. Although the Executive Committee has the authority per the Bylaws to determine member categories (Article III, § 3) and dues (Article IV,  § 2), increases in excess of 20% in a single year must be proposed by the Executive Committee and approved by a two-thirds majority of members voting (Article IV,  § 3). As such, the following members are being asked whether they welcome the opportunity to reduce dues for a large portion of the membership, including part-time or adjunct faculty, non-profit organization employees, K-12 educators, residents of low income countries as defined by the World Bank, and unemployed members. It moderately decreases dues for non-tenure line faculty, individuals who already hold membership with another AILA member and whose primary membership/residence is in an AILA member nation (e.g. BAAL), students, and postdocs, by approving the following changes: Increase for those members formerly in the “Regular” category who will now fall under “College & University Administration or Government Employee” from $115 to $195Increase for those members formerly in the “Regular” category who will now fall under “Faculty & Research, Tenured” from $115 to $195Increase for those members formerly in the “Regular” category who will now fall under “Faculty & Research, Tenure-line But Currently Untenured (Pre-Tenure)” from $115 to $195Increase for those members formerly in the “Regular” category who will now fall under “For-Profit Organization Employee” from $115 to $195 New dues rates will go into effect in July. A link to the Bylaws can be found here. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact Sarah Berke, AAAL Managing Director at

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